What is NAMB?
NAMB (Not only A Micro-Benchmark) is a fast and flexible prototype application generator for Data Stream Processing (DSP) platforms. With a simple description of the streaming workflow, NAMB will automatically generate the application for the specified DSP platform.
- Generic: NAMB is a modularized framework able to generate the benchmark for multiple platforms using the same configurations set.
- Flexible: NAMB has simple and intuitive configuration, giving the minimum set of parameters that allows the best application definition flexibility.
- Available: the software is made available to everyone through a GitHub repository; everyone is allowed to use it, test it and improve it.
[pagliari2019workflow] A. Pagliari, F. Huet, G. Urvoy-Keller, “Towards a High-Level Description for Generating Stream Processing Benchmark Applications”, IEEE BigData, 3rd IEEE BPOD Workshop, 2019